Gene Wolfe

Gene Wolfe est un auteur américain très respecté, reconnu pour ses œuvres dans les genres de science-fiction et de fantasy. Il est le plus connu pour sa série, le Cycle d'Urth/Solar, qui se caractérise par sa prose dense et allusive, et l'influence de sa foi catholique. Le style d'écriture de Wolfe est souvent noté pour sa complexité, avec des narrateurs à la première personne qui sont parfois peu fiables, ajoutant de la profondeur et du mystère à ses histoires.

Gene Wolfe est né le 7 mai 1931 à New York City et a grandi au Texas. En tant que nourrisson, il a survécu à la polio, ce qui a laissé une marque durable sur sa vie. Après avoir servi dans la guerre de Corée, il est rentré aux États-Unis et a obtenu un diplôme de l'Université de Houston. La carrière professionnelle de Wolfe a commencé en tant qu'ingénieur industriel, mais sa passion pour l'écriture l'a conduit à éditer le journal Plant Engineering pendant de nombreuses années avant de prendre sa retraite pour écrire à temps plein.

Tout au long de sa carrière, Wolfe a reçu de nombreux prix pour sa contribution à la littérature de science-fiction et de fantasy. Ceux-ci incluent plusieurs prix Nebula, Locus et World Fantasy, ainsi que le World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement et le Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award 2012. En 2007, il a été intronisé au Science Fiction Hall of Fame. L'impact significatif de Wolfe sur le genre est évident dans les éloges qu'il a reçus, scellant sa place parmi les légendes de la science-fiction et de la fantasy.
Urth: Book of the New Sun Books
# Titre Année
1 The Shadow of the Torturer 1980
2 The Claw of the Conciliator 1981
3 The Sword of the Lictor 1982
4 The Citadel of the Autarch 1983
5 The Urth of the New Sun 1987
Soldier Of The Mist Books
# Titre Année
1 Soldier of the Mist 1986
2 Soldier of Arete 1989
3 Latro in the Mist 2003
4 Soldier of Sidon 2006
Urth: Book of the Long Sun Books
# Titre Année
1 Nightside the Long Sun 1993
2 Litany of the Long Sun 1994
3 Caldé of the Long Sun 1994
4 Lake of the Long Sun 1994
5 Epiphany of the Long Sun 1996
6 Exodus from the Long Sun 1996
Urth: Book of the Short Sun Books
# Titre Année
1 On Blue's Waters 1999
2 In Green's Jungles 2000
3 The Book of the Short Sun 2001
4 Return to the Whorl 2001
The Wizard Knight Books
# Titre Année
1 The Wizard 2004
2 The Knight 2004
A Borrowed Man Books
# Titre Année
1 A Borrowed Man 2015
2 Interlibrary Loan 2020
Romans indépendants
# Titre Année
1 Operation Ares 1970
2 Peace 1975
3 The Devil in a Forest 1976
4 Free Live Free 1984
5 There Are Doors 1988
6 Castleview 1990
7 Pandora by Holly Hollander 1990
8 Pirate Freedom 2007
9 An Evil Guest 2008
10 The Sorcerer's House 2010
11 Home Fires 2011
12 The Land Across 2013
Nouvelles / Novellas
# Titre Année
1 Of Relays and Roses 1970
2 In the House of Gingerbread 1987
3 No Planets Strike (in Strange Travelers) 1997
4 Golden City Far 2000
5 Memorare 2007
Recueils de nouvelles
# Titre Année
1 The Fifth Head of Cerberus 1972
2 The New Atlantis and Other Novellas of Science Fiction 1975
3 In the Wake of Man 1975
4 The Island of Dr. Death and Other Stories and Other Stories 1980
5 Gene Wolfe's Book of Days 1981
6 Bibliomen 1984
7 Plan(e)t Engineering 1984
8 Storeys from the Old Hotel 1988
9 For Rosemary 1988
10 Endangered Species 1989
11 Castle of Days 1992
12 Young Wolfe 1992
13 Strange Travelers 2000
14 Starwater Strains 2000
15 Innocents Aboard: New Fantasy Stories 2004
16 The Very Best of Gene Wolfe 2009
17 The Dead Man and Other Horror Stories 2023
18 The Wolfe at the Door 2023
Livres de non-fiction
# Titre Année
1 The Castle of the Otter 1982
2 Letters Home 1991
3 Gate of Horn, Book of Silk: A Guide to Gene Wolfe's The Book of the Long Sun and The Book of the Short Sun 2012
R.A. Lafferty Collections (with R.A. Lafferty)
# Titre Année
1 The Man Who Made Models 1970
2 Nine Hundred Grandmothers 1970
3 Strange Doings 1973
4 Does Anyone Else Have Something Further to Add? 1974
5 In the Wake of Man 1975
6 Apocalypses 1977
7 Ringing Changes 1979
8 Golden Gate and Other Stories 1982
9 Snake In His Bosom And Other Stories 1983
10 Man Who Made Models and Other Stories 1984
11 Slippery And Other Stories 1985
12 East of Laughter 1988
13 Dotty 1990
14 Lafferty in Orbit 1991
15 The Man Who Walked Through Cracks 2019
Isaac Asimov's Anthology Books
# Titre Année
1 Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction 1980
2 Isaac Asimov's Near Futures and Far 1981
3 Isaac Asimov's Space of Her Own 1983
4 Isaac Asimov's Fantasy! 1985
5 Isaac Asimov's Aliens 1991
6 Isaac Asimov's Robots 1991
7 Isaac Asimov's SF-Lite 1993
8 Isaac Asimov's War 1993
9 Isaac Asimov's Cyberdreams 1994
10 Isaac Asimov's Skin Deep 1995
11 Isaac Asimov's Ghosts 1995
12 Isaac Asimov's Christmas 1997
13 Isaac Asimov's Camelot 1998
14 Isaac Asimov's Detectives 1998
15 Isaac Asimov's Werewolves 1999
16 Isaac Asimov's Solar System 1999
17 Isaac Asimov's Utopias 2000
18 Isaac Asimov's Father Day 2001
19 Isaac Asimov's Halloween 2001
Gene Wolfe Anthologies
# Titre Année
1 Orbit 3 1967
2 Orbit 6 1970
3 Nova 1 1970
4 Alchemy and Academe 1970
5 Orbit 11 1972
6 Frontiers 1: Tomorrow's Alternatives 1973
7 Continuum 1 1974
8 Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction 1980
9 Isaac Asimov's Near Futures and Far 1981
10 Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World 1982
11 Isaac Asimov's Space of Her Own 1983
12 Changes | Stories of Metamorphosis 1983
13 Isaac Asimov's Fantasy! 1985
14 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Second Annual Collection 1985
15 Terry's Universe: Science fiction's finest writers join in honoring the memory of Terry Carr 1987
16 The Drabble Project 1988
17 Tropical Chills: Fourteen Tales of Scorching Horror to Make Your Blood Run Cold 1988
18 A Separate Star: A Tribute to Rudyard Kipling 1989
19 Second Annual Collection 1989
20 The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1989 1989
21 The Year's Best Fantasy 2 / Demons and Dreams 1990
22 Now We Are Sick 1991
23 Isaac Asimov's Aliens 1991
24 Best New Horror 2 1991
25 The Architecture of Fear 1991
26 Walls of Fear 1991
27 Isaac Asimov's Robots 1991
28 Dante's Disciples 1991
29 The Giant Book of Best New Horror 1993
30 Isaac Asimov's SF-Lite 1993
31 Isaac Asimov's War 1993
32 The Ascent of Wonder 1994
33 Isaac Asimov's Cyberdreams 1994
34 Love in Vein 1994
35 Isaac Asimov's Skin Deep 1995
36 Isaac Asimov's Ghosts 1995
37 Cthulhu 2000 1995
38 Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears 1995
39 Year's Best SF 1996
40 Asimov's Science Fiction, August 1996 1996
41 Space Opera 1996
42 Wild Women 1997
43 Isaac Asimov's Christmas 1997
44 Isaac Asimov's Camelot 1998
45 Isaac Asimov's Detectives 1998
46 The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: The 50th Anniversary Anthology 1999
47 Isaac Asimov's Werewolves 1999
48 Isaac Asimov's Solar System 1999
49 The Furthest Horizon 2000
50 Such a Pretty Face: Tales of Power and Abundance 2000
51 Year's Best SF 5 2000
52 Graven Images 2000
53 The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, #11 2000
54 Isaac Asimov's Utopias 2000
55 Isaac Asimov's Father Day 2001
56 Isaac Asimov's Halloween 2001
57 Dark Masques 2001
58 Supermen 2002
59 Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores 2002
60 Fifteenth Annual Collection 2002
61 Year's Best SF 8 2003
62 The Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine: Joe Haldeman and Others 2003
63 The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Vol. 15 2004
64 Cross Plains Universe 2006
65 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Third Annual Collection 2006
66 Fantasy: The Best of the Year, 2006 Edition 2006
67 Best New Horror 18 2007
68 Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge 2007
69 The Best of Jim Baen's Universe 2007
70 This Is My Funniest 2 2007
71 Twentieth Annual Collection 2007
72 Year's Best SF 13 2008
73 The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2009 2009
74 The Secret History of Science Fiction 2009
75 Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror 2010
76 The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2011 2011
77 The Book of Cthulhu 2011
78 Ghosts by Gaslight 2011
79 The Mammoth Book of SF Wars 2012
80 The Wildside Book of Fantasy 2012
81 Season of Wonder 2012
82 Some of the Best from, 2012 edition 2013
83 Super Stories of Heroes and Villains 2013
84 Shadows of the New Sun 2013
85 The Time Traveler's Almanac 2013
86 Lightspeed Magazine, July 2014 2014
87 Mermaids and Other Mysteries of the Deep 2015
88 Lightspeed Magazine, October 2015 2015
89 Worst Contact 2016